Historypin est une plateforme qui permet aux membres de partager des photos et des histoires,
racontant leur histoire locale.
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Wrong Turn, 1921 auto wreck in Washington D.C. posted by Roland19D
Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans votre quartier ?
Nos membres créent et partagent de formidables collections d'histoire locale
Oral history interviews with former staff and students
Find a Green Book site near you--tell us about it! The Green Book was a guide to African American road travelers during segregation (1933-1963).
Building a community led history of the past 100 years in King’s Cross #kxstorypalace
Stories, memories and experiences creating local connections in Leeds
This collection will map places associated with narratives of magical belief & practice; fictional and poetic, historical, & folkloric / mythical.
Marking the places, experiences, and memories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals in the United States.
Una iniciativa para que revelemos la memoria de Colombia con las fotografías y los relatos de quienes hemos vivido y construido su historia.
Part of the US National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) Wartime Films Project