


Nous vous connectons avec votre histoire locale

Historypin est une plateforme qui permet aux membres de partager des photos et des histoires,
racontant leur histoire locale.
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Wrong Turn, 1921 auto wreck in Washington D.C. posted by Roland19D

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Explorez les collections

Nos membres créent et partagent de formidables collections d'histoire locale

Recollections of Lynn Valley School

Oral history interviews with former staff and students

Green Book Travelers

Find a Green Book site near you--tell us about it! The Green Book was a guide to African American road travelers during segregation (1933-1963).

King's Cross Story Palace

Building a community led history of the past 100 years in King’s Cross #kxstorypalace

Connections: Leeds

Stories, memories and experiences creating local connections in Leeds

Connections: Tyne & Wear

Sharing local stories and creating social connections

Mapping Magic

This collection will map places associated with narratives of magical belief & practice; fictional and poetic, historical, & folkloric / mythical.

LGBTQ America

Marking the places, experiences, and memories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals in the United States.

Comparte Tu Rollo

Una iniciativa para que revelemos la memoria de Colombia con las fotografías y los relatos de quienes hemos vivido y construido su historia.

Remembering WWI

Part of the US National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) Wartime Films Project